Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy and Chinese Elemental Medicine
“This therapy and the medicinals that we provide don’t cause symptoms, they reveal them.”
It isn’t just the blood that is important to your health. The lymph is the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord, carries immune cells throughout the body, removes excess fluid and waste material from cells and cleanses all the fluid that surrounds every cell of our body.
The lymph is in many ways even more important than the blood and yet it relies on rhythmic movement such as walking, running and bouncing to pump it throughout the nodes and vessels of the body.
The lymph moves just below the skin and so is a key component of our ability to detoxify. Lymph nodes are the small filters that help to cleanse the lymph fluid and also trigger immune response when needed. When the lymph becomes congested then our body has to find ways of storing and minimizing the negative effects of our toxic load. What begins as simply a cyst, psoriasis or acne becomes over time edema, chronic infections, vision issues and breathing difficulties.
Every inch of skin has lymphatic vessels beneath it. The sternum and chest are the most important as these are where the two main channel ducts for the lymph are located. These ducts allow the lymph to empty into the blood so that the liver and kidneys can remove waste material and toxins that have been cleansed from the cells and tissues.
“The skin is the third kidney and as such is essential to healthy body elimination of toxins.”
The Essential Skin Therapy from Chinese Five Element Medicine
One of the key reasons our Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy is so effective and creates such incredible change is the use of products on the skin during the session and after, to balance the Body Birth Element with the Season Element. Many symptoms are seen in Chinese medicine as expressions of these imbalances in Elements.
Clays, oils, salts and creams, all from organic sources, come together to create change in the Elements, balance in the body energy and resolution of symptoms both of the skin and of the deeper tissues. This is an incredibly unique approach to the body.
Thermographic Scan Before and After
The following images show the incredible decongestive effect that our lymphatic therapy has on breast tissue, reducing swelling, discomfort, cysts and severely blocked areas. This improves the regulation of tissue and allows for faster healing, better circulation and healthier cells.
A patient’s initial Thermography Breast scan before Conscious Body Treatment
The same patient after two months of Conscious Body Treatment
Body Decongestive Lymph Therapy Appointments
Body Lymph Initial Therapy (75 minutes)
This is required for all new lymph patients at Conscious Body. It gives the therapist time to discuss your needs and answer your questions along with your first therapy. This also allows the therapist to evaluate your treatment needs. This is required of all new patients or those patients not having received a lymph session in more than two years. $175.00
Body Basic Lymph Therapy (75 minutes)
The Body Basic session is designed as the essential therapy to open all the key pathways of lymphatic drainage in the body at the sternum, clavicle, axillary and inguinal regions. This is one of the most important aspects as many patients have chronic tissue congestion, poor immunity and edema of the lower extremities. This type of session often needs to be done weekly until the body’s lymph ports are able to remain open and functioning. $175.00
Body Advanced Lymph Therapy (Two Hours)
This session is more intensive including oils and clays, vibration, suction, Chromalight treatment and Acupoint stimulation which mobilize the immune system and reduce symptoms of toxicity and congestion. This is the type of session that is able to truly progress a patient’s immunity and create true lasting change in the fluid channels of the body. $250.00
Body Pathway Therapy
This is a 30 minute lymph/chromolight therapy with 15 minutes of Photobiomodulation Therapy for opening congested elimination pathways of the body. This is an essential step in allowing the body’s fluid pathways to eliminate stored toxins and immune debris. $150.00 each session or a series of 3 sessions for $390.00
Watch a video about our Decongestive Lymph Therapy and the incredible organic products we use to clear these vital fluid pathways.
The movement of fluids in the body
is the key to life…
Edema and Lymphedema
Pre and Post Surgical Treatment, particularly for liposuction and cosmetic surgical procedures
Swelling of the ankles and feet
Acne and other congestive skin issues
Gout and uric acid deposition conditions
Cystic breasts and breast pain
Sinus congestion, pressure and pain
Chronic constipation and gastric distress
Cystic fibrosis, lung congestion
Ligament and tendon injury and healing
Speed pre and post surgery healing
Chronic inflammation
Body weight and toxicity
Chronic venous insufficiency
RSDS or RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Syndrome)
Wrinkles and sagging skin
Chronic headaches and migraines
Pregnancy stretch marks
Reduce scarring
“I’ve had manual lymph drainage, I’ve even had another type of lymph drainage with a machine. But the combination you provide of light, vibration, clays and your reclining Infrared Sauna is something I’ve never had and the results were beyond amazing! Everyone noticed the difference in my skin and I noticed the difference in my entire body!”
Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy vs. Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Manual lymph drainage began with the Vodder technique developed in France. However, with manual lymph drainage its effectiveness depends on the skill of the therapist and the size of the therapist's hand in encircling a lymphatic area to apply consistent pressure.
The other problem with manual lymph drainage is that the effects are short-lived necessitating frequent sessions in order to maintain any effect at all. Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy is a gentle suction therapy done with glass cups, a rhythmic vibration, Chromalight therapy and energetically active clays and oils.
The results can last one week to one month and with regular sessions can last even longer. This therapy has won awards in Europe for its beneficial effects for Lymphedema.
Radiographic scan of congested lymph nodes.