Our Holistic Testing & Therapy Process
Natural methods of testing the body are looking at core issues, not just symptoms. This is about nutrition levels, mineral density, chronic unresolved viruses, fluid movement and toxicity levels. These are the true factors of illness and the sooner you know, the more flexibility you have to change your condition. These are the ways for you to really understand your body story.
European Regulation Thermography
Unlike the photographic version of this test, our scan is done by thermometry (a highly sensitive skin thermometer) and is focused on your body’s ability to manage stress and maintain regulation. This gives us not just a two dimensional picture but a complete report of body systems, lymphatic congestion, circulation and blockages. The focus is not on areas of excessive heat (as this is a very superficial view) it is on the regulation of various tissues such as the prostate and breast as well as an overview of glands and organs. This seven page report is completely individualized to you and your thermography scan. This is the essential test for every person.
$395.00 for a Whole Body scan with a comprehensive 1/2 hour review all in one appointment.
We also offer our Immunity Reimagined Package which includes the Thermography test and a complete Initial Holistic Medicine Evaluation for $575.00
Heart Sound Recorder Testing
This is an astonishing and accurate method of evaluating the rhythm of the opening and closing of the heart valves. By observing the integrity of each heart sound within each of the four heart valves, we can detect nutritional deficiencies that are affecting the heart muscle and nerve conductivity. There is nothing better for monitoring the health of your heart nor for improving any heart rhythm problem.
Test and Review are $75.00
Certified Muscle Testing For Health
One of the most important methods for evaluating the body has been practiced for more than 75 years. Muscle Testing is a way of analyzing the energy flow through specific reflexes on the body that are also the basis for acupuncture and acupressure. This allows us to gradually uncover the root of a health problem as well as the blockages that prevent symptoms from resolving, because symptoms are not causes, and finding the core issue is the key to resolution.
I have studied and use Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA) developed by Dr. Dick Versendaal and Applied Kinesiology (AK) taught by Dr. George Goodheart. By simply pressing down on an arm while touching the test point, the arm will instantly weaken when the energy to the corresponding point being tested is interrupted, much like a breaker switch. This is a quick and easy method of determining which organs, glands or systems are in distress and what is the most effective way to correct them.
This is included with each Holistic Medicine Evaluation
How is our testing different from conventional tests at your physician’s office?
In conventional medicine, tests are limited to what insurance will pay for and what your physician orders. The only regular testing, beyond BP and listening to the heart and chest, is usually blood testing. But this only shows what is circulating in the blood at that moment when most illness and conditions are happening within the tissues. Blood labs also use a very broad range of “normal” meaning that you can still have a thyroid problem and test normal in standard blood testing. Without a positive test indication, your physician cannot do very much to help you.
Our testing is unique because it gives you useful information weeks, months and even years before a condition becomes an illness. It gives you time to make changes, to finally fulfill that New Year's resolution, to prevent illness before it starts. Plus you can gain answers anytime you need it or want it.
Use our testing to mark your starting point when embarking on a natural treatment program and retest along the way to see how much progress you are making.
Start with one of our testing options today by calling our reception desk:
(617) 505-3585
Comprehensive Gut Microbiome Testing
This isn’t just testing the good bacteria in your gut, this isn’t just a SIBO test. This is the next generation of Microbiome Mapping. GI SereniT is a cutting-edge microbiome assay helping you get to the root cause of what’s driving digestive symptoms with complete species assessment of bacteria, parasites, fungus and viruses.
But the real magic of GI SereniT is the creation of a customized Synbiotic formulation just for you based on your individual microbiome.
Don’t take probiotics made for someone else! Get the right formula just for you.
Trace Mineral Hair Analysis
Used for years, this comprehensive test gives you a picture of the minerals and heavy metals stored in your body tissues. This is much more important to your body health than what is circulating in your blood at any given moment. Your report provides 40 mineral levels and an assessment of the presence of lead, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium and mercury.
This is a simple test with a sample that you take at home and mail to us from anywhere in the U.S. and Canada. Your test results and report will arrive at your door within two weeks.
Test and Report are $175.00
“I thought people were exaggerating when they said you had helped hundreds of people with chronic Lyme Disease. I had seen so many doctors and Lyme Disease had made me lose hope I would ever be well. Then you helped me to find the right herbs and now I'm finally back to work and I feel great! You saved me Karen.”

Natural & Herbal Medicine Evaluations
Natural Medicine combines nutrition, organic medicinals, body therapies, emotional balance and detoxification in individualized programs to not just resolve symptoms but to restore regulation to the body. When any tissue or organ loses its ability to regulate itself, it creates symptoms that reach many different areas of the body through our network of nerves, connective tissue and fluid.
We work to restore balance, strength, energy and health.
Homeopathic & Herbal Medicine
with Karen Clickner
Your body produces symptoms to signal you that something is unresolved. This can be a low-grade infection, unhealed injury, severe nutritional deficiency or simply a lack of sufficient hydration. In this way every illness is simply the body’s inability to cope and manage its condition.
So when you already have an illness, a diagnosis or chronic symptoms that won’t resolve, then an evaluation is the place to begin. This is a session that includes Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing, Contact Reflex Analysis, Symptom Assessment and Medical History Review to determine what imbalances have created your condition. We listen, we have a conversation and we work together to establish a plan for you to follow that is specific to you. We give you answers when you have none.
Initial Holistic Medicine Evaluation: up to 1 hour $250
Return appointments: 1/2 hour $75
Immunity Reimagined Package of Initial Evaluation and Thermography Testing: 2 hours $575
Call us today for your Holistic Medicine Evaluation at
(617) 505-3585
Immunity Reimagined™:
Immune Disorders, Autoimmune Conditions and Immunodeficiency
For 30 years, Karen Clickner has worked with hundreds of immune disorder cases. More and more, almost every illness can be traced back to an immunological condition that is unresolved such as chronic Lyme Disease, Lupus and most recently PANDAS. The solution is to naturally and gradually regulate the immune system using natural therapies, diet and organic remedies. Inflammation, pain, neurological symptoms, loss of function can all be reduced or even eliminated with the right approach ... a natural approach.
If you suffer with an autoimmune condition or any unresolved chronic symptoms, see what we have done for more than 3,000 patients.
Conscious Body Natural Medicinal Remedies:
The Secret to Resolving Your Symptoms
We have used the same remedies for more than 30 years. We have visited each of the companies we have chosen to use, seen how their remedies are sourced, tested and bottled. The remedies we use are unique, powerful and work not just on physical symptoms but energetic and emotional symptoms as well.
Every remedy we offer has been standardized and tested including raw food concentrates, medicinal herbal extracts, energetically active clays, organic essential oil blends and imported homeopathics and spagyrics.
We have a solution for your illness.
“I just wanted to fill you in on how Physica 5-HTP remedy that you recommended is helping me with sleep and anxiety! Its amazing! I can sleep at least 6-7 hours instead of my usual 3-4! It also has helped with my overall mood, happiness and sex drive! ”
The Conscious Body System for Women’s Health
Women have very specific health needs, especially when it comes to their cycle. Many women are led to believe that difficult symptoms such as cramping, excessive bleeding, fluid retention, skin problems, hot flashes or even infertility, are normal.
We're here to tell you they're not... The healthier your period, the healthier you will be as you age. Begin now with natural options to regulate your period and eliminate symptoms. From your first period to fertility to menopause ... we have answers.
Focusing on Breast Health
There is very little written about the health of women’s breast tissue. Most articles are about what happens once you are diagnosed with breast cancer. So how can women prevent that diagnosis? We have worked for more than 30 years to create a program of testing, therapy and medicinals to decongest the lymphatic channels of the breasts, encourage the elimination of toxins, reduce fibrosis and cysts while helping to balance estrogen and progesterone for a healthier hormonal life.
Don’t just wait for the results of your yearly mammogram … change the story before it even begins.
“I'm pregnant!!! Can I tell you how excited we are after multiple IUI and IVF attempts we had given up. But my friends said that you were the miracle worker and it's true.”

Body Decongestion & Purification
These processes are the most important to regain regulation of the body. The simple act of purification, improving fluid movement, enhancing drainage and clearing toxins from body tissues can reduce or eliminate symptoms without surgery or pharmaceuticals.
It's worth the work to turn your body around…
European Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy
Do you realize how much of your physical and emotional health is based on body fluid movement? You may be surprised to learn that the fluid between cells and tissues can actually be places of storage, not just for body chemicals, hormones and toxins, but also for memory, fear and grief. The chemicals of emotion flow through our fluid systems and can settle in areas of physical trauma acting as a constant reminder.
By using vibration, fluid mobilization and light therapy, decongestive lymphatic therapy can gently stimulate the lymph fluid under the skin and begin a process of drainage that can clear congested areas. This patented Eco-Certified European therapy increases detoxification of body tissues, reduces edema and fluid accumulation creating effects on the body and skin that are immediate and lasting.
We offer different sessions for individual needs so please click on the button to visit our Decongestive Lymph Therapy page.
The Incredible Healing Power of Photobiomodulation Therapy
There is nothing that has come so far since it’s introduction in the 1970’s for pain, edema and inflammation. Now Photobiomodulation Therapy or Cold Laser Therapy has evolved into a programmable hand-held application that uses varying light frequencies of red light and infrared light with more modulation and power to address hundreds of conditions including neurological conditions, emotional challenges, physical injury, viral, fungal and bacterial infections, joint problems, inflammation, pain and multiple symptoms of illness.
With settings for detoxification, lymphatic decongestion, circulation and cellular rejuvenation, this is the unique therapy for every patient. Patients can feel results in as few as three sessions.
Each Testing Appointment - 30 minutes: $75.00
Package of 6 Appointments within two months: $390.00 (a savings of $10 each)
Conscious Body Detoxification and Cleansing
Here at Conscious Body we specialize in helping the body’s natural elimination processes. This means that before you can even consider doing a cleanse your key elimination pathways need to be able to handle the removal of material from the body tissues. We provide incredible medicinals, our Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy and more than 35 years of experience to bring your body back to life.
“I walked into your office as a sick 26 year old with a multitude of tests and doctor’s paperwork telling me I would always live with a chronic medical condition, always need medication and was needing to freeze my eggs because I may not be able to have children in the future.
I was reminded of the gratitude and thankfulness I have for our time together years ago, after recently giving birth to our fourth child at home.
Thank you for all of your lessons and guiding me along a lifestyle of wellness over the years.”

The Emotional Journey to Healing
Resolving symptoms and improving our health is not just about the remedies we take and the therapies we receive. It’s about the inner journey to find those blocks that keep us from making healthier decisions, from choosing a different path, from achieving the perfect health we know we deserve.
The emotional toll our lives have required from us will often lie unresolved and become like uncomfortable reminders that stand in the way of our progress. In fact, without truly understanding how unresolved emotions are dictating our path, we will often find ourselves “out in the weeds”.
Now at Conscious Body we have two wonderful therapists that are here to address the emotional blocks that we see most often when working with chronic illness.
Walking Through Grief:
Finding the Healing Path
with Carol Valcourt
Carol Valcourt is our Grief Coach and provides both private and group sessions that explore healing grief both for oneself and for loved ones close to us. This is a comprehensive approach over time that explores the misconceptions about mourning, how to heal heartbreak and taking the steps to come back to life after loss.
It is true that “grief witnessed is grief healed” which is why understanding others’ grief will often help us heal our own. This is an enlightening and unburdening approach to healing that each of us needs at some point in our lives. Learn how to allow space for grieving without it consuming you.
Grief is unique to each person and each instance of grief is unique from every other experience of grief. Grief is one of the most normal emotional aspects that is an essential part of living a full life.
Private Appointments are available now by calling our reception desk.
Conscious Eating:
Your Relationship to Food
with Tanya Lewis
Do you realize that your decision making, your mood and your memory are all based on the food you eat?
Nutrition, our food choices and food preparation are all key to our bodies being able to pull us back from sympathetic dominance. Often we will remain in the emergency state because we have run out of nutrients and fuel for our normal daily function. This is often because we are not eating for nutritional value, we are eating to fill a painful spot or to keep us company or even to give us a treat because we deserve to be treated…
This is because for many of us food serves another purpose in our lives. Until we understand that purpose and our relationship to food, we cannot give it the proper place in our lives. Our body symptoms are frequently an expression of this. Learn how to use food to support your body instead of forcing the body to simply make due with what we give it.