Healing Begins and Ends With Photobiomodulation Therapy
Effective, innovative therapy for everything from acne to migraines to depression to infections.
Why is PBM at Conscious Body More Effective?
As with all of our therapies, we have spent years investigating Photobiomodulation options and cold laser equipment before deciding on the remarkable top professional laser available. Fully programmable for your unique biological needs, our laser has been fully tested and is FDA approved.
This laser doesn’t just provide red spectrum light, it also provides IR spectrum light for 1400mW of power at 808nm for peak therapeutic effectiveness, reduced treatment time and maximum results.
Sessions at Conscious Body are up to 30 minutes in length and we will provide protective glasses for your session. Please note that we ask you to not wear jewelry, nor to have applied creams, lotions, oils or cosmetics to your skin.
Each session is $75.00 or you can purchase a series of 6 sessions for $390.00, a savings of $10 per session.
The History of PBM as Therapy
Albert Einstein, known for so many incredible innovations, realized the concept of Laser (Light Amplification through Stimulated Emission of Radiation). That was in 1916 and by the mid 1960’s Cold Laser Therapy or Photobiomodulation Medicine was being used in many areas of the world as part of medical treatment. One of the first laser pioneers was the Hungarian physician Dr. Endre Mester who began to experiment with the effects of lasers for skin cancer in 1967. He realized that there were some incredibly positive biological effects when using Cold Laser. He advocated the use of this therapy for:
wound healing
smoking cessation
temporomandibular joint disorders
carpal tunnel syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis
Now with the incredible advancement of Cold Laser Therapy there are more than 500 conditions that can benefit from this painless, effective approach to both biological and psychological symptoms. In fact, there are more than 3,000 published peer reviewed articles worldwide proving the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy without a single negative side effect.
Learn more about the science of Photobiomodulation or Cold Laser Therapy
The effects of Cold Laser Therapy