Holistic Assessments & Natural Medicine
with Medical Herbalist
Karen Clickner
I have spent 35 years providing Holistic Medicine to clients in a number of countries as I traveled the world. I have lived in Spain, looked up at the Himalayas, stood on a black sand beach amid chunks of blue ice in Iceland. Along the way I have learned that natural medicine is the first line of defense against illness and has truly been the core of medicine for thousands of years.
But things have changed. How often have you had symptoms, gone to the doctor, but they can't find anything? Or you have been given a medication that you felt was really just to "give you something" but it hasn't helped? Or the prescription you have makes you feel even worse?
We have come to rely on medicine that is simply a drug, an artificial and synthetic variant expensively produced and patented by big pharmaceutical companies. They spend billions of dollars convincing physicians of the need to dispense drugs as the solution for every illness. In fact, physicians don't really have many options other than surgery and drugs.
But these should never be the first things we turn to, they should be the last. Instead natural medicine returns to the roots of healing with herbs, homeopathic remedies, food, natural therapies and time, which is the greatest of all healers. You will be amazed at what your body can do, given the right nutrients and helped along with a plant extract and a little body therapy.
How is Holistic Medicine different?
Holistic Medicine involves an approach to symptoms of illness and disease by supporting the body's own healing abilities. In other words, the body is never doing anything wrong. This is different from conventional medicine which sees a symptom as a sign of something the body shouldn’t be doing. The truth is that your body is simply trying to do the very best given the circumstances and the resources at its disposal. Those circumstances can be unresolved infections, unhealed injuries, severe dysregulation of organs and glands, low body reserves or a depleted immune system.
I pay attention not just to your physical symptoms, but everything that contributes to your life: mental factors, emotional distress, life stress, spiritual balance, fears and phobias as well as your medical history. Each of my recommendations is unique to the individual and I draw from a number of medicinal and therapeutic options:
Dietary modification
Botanical and herbal medicine
Homeopathic, spagyric and organotherapy
Raw whole food concentrated supplements
Detoxification & cellular matrix cleansing
Immunotherapies such as Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy and Cold Laser Therapy
Certified in Homeopathic and Medical Herbal Clinical Practice
Natural Immune System Resolution for Autoimmune and Immunodeficiency Conditions
Certified in Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing and Contact Reflex Analysis
Certified Regulation Thermography Interpretation
Natural Fertility Therapy
Nationally Registered Member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association
Holistic Evaluations:
Initial Evaluation - up to one hour including email report: $250.00
Each Return Evaluation (within two years) - up to 30 minutes: $75.00
Immunity Reimagined Package - this includes an Initial Evaluation and a Comprehensive Regulation Thermography Test, Review and Report. Two hours: $575.00
What happens in your evaluation?
Unlike most practitioners, I spend up to an hour with every new patient. In that hour we discuss your entire history because where you came from and what you have experienced is the driving force behind the symptoms you have now. One person’s unique health is essentially the sum total of their unique history. This also includes the diseases that your family members have experienced because there are always genetic factors at work in driving your body tendencies. But a genetic factor is not a certainty and the health and history of your body determine how much your genetic factors express themselves.
The Comprehensive Holistic Assessment form provides a great deal of insight into patterns that the body has developed which produce debilitating symptoms. By looking at these patterns, it is possible to trace them back to the underlying systemic and historical imbalances that exist. I rely heavily on what this form tells me and I provide a scale of body systems to you so that you begin to understand more about your symptoms.
Muscle Testing including Applied Kinesiology, Contact Reflex Analysis and Morphagenic Field Technique have been an aid to Naturopathic Physicians and Chiropractors since the 1920’s. These are non-invasive ways in which to identify the strength or weakness of organs, glands and pathways through the meridian channels. I also use Comprehensive Regulation Thermography Testing for more in-depth information. It is also a great objective way to assess changes during and after treatment plans.
Intuitive information is something that has developed over the 35 years of my practice, but it does provide insight and guidance towards both issues and remedies that may be key to creating change. This knowledge combined with the experience of working with thousands of patients has created a deep and comprehensive understanding of body dynamics. With this I can identify multiple influences that need some attention in resolving symptoms, often with innovative strategies and insightful medicinals.
Your Immunity Reimagined Report is a record of everything we discuss, notes I have taken, goals we set, recommendations I’ve made and suggestions or referrals to aid your process. This is emailed to you within 48 hours of your appointment for you to share and refer to. This gives you a 4-6 week plan to create change at which point you will return for us to review your progress.
Resolve the patterns and you resolve the symptoms...
Client Support Portal
It is normal and expected that when you begin this regime you will experience changes as your body begins to move towards health. Functions and cellular cleansing that may not have been done for a long time will start and the body will spend more of your energy and your resources “taking out the trash”.
Some people experience headaches, upset stomach, flu-like symptoms and fatigue when this begins. Sometimes your body will bring up a symptom that represents something that is only now beginning to heal.
If you have questions, check out our Current Client Support page.
A Story From Health History
Cap Monroe was a man who lived down in Florida and is believed to have been 135 years old when he died. He attributed his longevity to the fact that he drank tillandsia tea every day. He would pull the plant off the trees in the swamps, make tea out of it and drink it. The medicinal formula For-Til B12 that I provide was made from this recipe.