Heart Sound Recorder Testing
Appointments are only 30 minutes and are available at both locations. We will be scheduling your first and second tests one month apart in order to ascertain your progress.
To make an appointment please call us at
(617) 505-3585
Heart Sound Recorder Test and Review - 30 minutes: $75.00
Did you know that the IWatch can actually change the heart valve rhythm? The Heart Sound graph below shows this very thing. The top two graphs show the eratic rhythm of the heart while wearing the watch, while the bottom two graphs were done after the watch was removed. You can see the much more regular heart valve rhythm without the watch.
Perfect heart health begins by listening
We all agree that the heart is susceptible to stress. What we don't talk about is exactly how. One of the most effective ways is to monitor the heart rate, rhythm and tone through the opening and closing of the valves. Heart Sound Recorder testing (HSR) is quick, easy and clinically proven to be accurate in recording the motion of the heart sounds. These vibrations of the valves are affected by nutritional and chemical factors.
By observing the integrity of each heart sound within each of the four heart valves, we can detect nutritional deficiencies that are affecting the heart muscle and nerve conductivity. By addressing these deficiencies we can improve the heart rhythm, the vibrations of the valves and the health of the heart.
Tests provide us with enough information to determine what nutritional changes can be made to strengthen and regulate the heart within 30 days. For this reason we schedule your first and second HSR tests one month apart.
Tune in now and give us 30 minutes of your time.
The Heart Sound Recorder listens to the valves of the heart through a highly sensitive microphone strapped around the body.